is proud to present
Daniel Staberg's

Nordic Fury!

The Battle of Axtorna, 1565

a scenario for Spanish Fury, Battle!

danfight            swefight


On the 16 of october 1565 the Danish commander Daniel Rantzau raised his siege of Varberg and gave up his attempt to
recapture the strategic fortress. Moving south towards his winter quarters in the Danish province of Scania he found his way
 barred by the river Ätran. A fast moving Swedish detachment commanded by Knut Hakansson Hand had destroyed the only
bridge across the river. Rantzau march north along the river  in order to use the fords located upstream. However this move took
 in towards the approaching Swedish army rather than away from it. Reconaissance showed that only the fords at Axtorna
 were usable due to the time of year and Rantzau moved towards small village.
On the other side of the hill King Erik of Sweden had rejoined his army a few days march north of Axtorna and order
 the newly apointed commander Joacob Henriksson Hestesko to concentrate the army and seek out Rantzau and force him
give battle "whenever and whereever" possible. Hestesko swiftly concentrated his army and began to move south
 towards Rantzau. 
On the 20th of october the two armies met at Axtorna, Rantzau had arrived first and had take up a strong defensive postion
 with his smaller army,a postion which secured his line of retreat across the fords. Rantzaus army was the entire army available
 to the Danes in 1565 except for the garrisons of the Danish fortresses and the detachements aboard the fleet. If Rantzaus army
 was lost the eastern Danish provices would be defenceless. This meant that he had little incentive to fight a risky battle
 with a larger enemy force. However Hestesko was determiend to follow the Royal command he had been given and
 he decided to commited his larger army to battle despite the strenght of the Danish position, much to Rantzau's surprise.
The set the stage for the largest battle of the Nordic Seven Years War as Jacob Hestesko advance his army of 3000 horse
and 8000 foot supported by 42 guns against Daniel Rantzau's 1600 Horse and 6000 foot supported by 21 guns.

The Board
6 by 4 foot wargames table will cover at 1 inch= 27.5 meters or 30 yards which is the scale I use for my games.
The Terrain:


All hills are considered "Low Hills".
The leafy woods are considered a minor obstacle to Foot regiments and a Major obstacle to Horse regiments,
this also applies to the patch of Pine forrest which the Swedish cavalry passed through. All other forrests are
impassable to formed troops but routers will seek shelter in them. The Högvadså
 is impassable to all
except at the fords. The Myrån stream can be forded by foot regiments along it's entire lenght but horse
regiments can only cross it at the bridge.
The other streams are treated as minor obstacles for both Horse and Foot regiments.
 The fields have been harvested and are treated as clear terrain. The wet meadow land over which the "1 reg. 1tr."
is shown moving is treated is no problem for troops moving at marching speed, if troops move faster they must take a
 marshalling test as when moving across a minor obstacle. (Ie it is possible to move through the meadows at the
double or charge rates but you risk disorder)
As can be seen on the map the village of Axtorna consisted of 7 farms with a lot of distance between each,
the village proper is formed by Eskilsgard, Kullagard, Lundgard and Stensgard. Due to the way in which these
basicly medieval farms are built they are unsuable as defended postitions (no windows or openings on the outside walls)
except for the larger Eskilsgard whose outbuildings and fences will  provide coverand a defensible position for up
 to 8 figures of Enfants perdue.

I've not includede any rules for the Danish baggage train and it's supposed wagon fort, partly because I'm not
 convinced it played any part in the fighting, partly beacuse I've not come up with any easy rules for it.


The Swedish army
If playing the historical scenario without the optional "Erik XIV at Axtorna" rule the army starts with a
confidence of "Resolute"

Generalissimo (Jacob Henriksson Hestesko)

1st brigade: Lindorm Persson
2 "Landsryttare" regiments (8 fig each)
1 Reiter regiment (8 fig)

2nd brigade: Erik Gustafsson Stenbock
2 "Landsryttare" regiments
One of these is the combined "Adelsfana" (8 fig)made up of nobles and carries the "Hufvudbaner" flag.
The other is Jakob Perssons Ostgota regiment (6 fig)
1 Reiter regiment (8 fig)

3rd brigade (In reserve): Harald Törilsson
2 Landsryttare regiments (8+6 fig)
1 Svarta Ryttarna regiment (12 fig)

4th brigade: Hogenskild Bielke
1 "Konungens eget" regiment (63 fig)
2 "Förlorade hopar" regiments (12 fig each)

5th brigade: Åke Bengtsson Färla
2 Veteran Enfants Perdue detachment (16 fig each)

6th brigade (In reserve):Tönne Olsson
1 "Konungens eget" regiment (50 fig)
1 "Förlorade hopar" regiment (12 fig)
(In reserve)
The artillery:

1 Artillery battery (Demi-Culverns/Average Gunners)

1 Artillery battery (Sakers/Average Gunners)

4 Artillery batteries (Falcons and Falconets/Average Gunners)
Deploy all 6 batteries together supported by 2 Enfants Perdue detachments (8 fig each) which are attached to the
ridge on which the artilery is deployed including the Eskilsgård farm.

The Byaberg:
1 Enfants Perdue detachment (8 fig)attached to the Byaberg hill.

* * *


The Danish army
Always starts with a confidence of "Equapoised"
In this battle the Danish army has a 9/7 Fortuna number when "Desperate"

Daniel Rantzau

1st brigade: Peder Gyllenstierne
1 "Rostjenste" regiment (8 fig)

2nd brigade: Josua von Qualen
1 Reiter Regiment (8 fig)
1 "Rostjenste" regiment (8 fig)

3rd brigade: Henrik Tornow
1 "Hoffanen" regiment (8 or 10 fig)
1 "Musefanen" regiment (6 fig)

4th brigade: Frands Brockenhuus
2(1) Landsknecht Regiments (Rantzau's regiment 72 fig, von Holle's regiment 54 fig) 
3 (2) Enfants Perdue detachments (8 fig)
(As an optiona rule deploy a 5th brigade with the following units drawn from the above)

Optional 5th Brigade: Streckfuss
1 Landsknecht Regiment (von Holle's, 54 fig)
1 Enfants Perdue detachment (8 fig)

The artillery:

Western battery
1 Artillery battery (Demi-Culverine/Average Gunners)
1 Artillery batteries (Sakers/Average Gunners)

Eastern battery
1 Artillery battery (Sakers/Average Gunners)

Scenario Rules

Length of the Game
The battle started at 12 AM and contiuned until dusk, this is about 24-28 turns in Battle!

The Danish infantry brigade(s) starts in the area shown on the map (the postions of the two red "squares which I had drawn
 on the map rather than the position shown on the map in black)  one regiment (or brigade) behind the other. The area is roughly
12 by 8 inches.  The enfants perudue of the brigade(s) may deploy up to a charge move away form the landsknecht regiments.
The Danish cavalry brigades should deploy in 3 lines in the order of 1st, 2nd and 3rd brigades in the area shown on
the map, this area is 7 by 10  inches on the table
. The brigades have their regiments in line with each other.
The Danish artillery batteries deploy in the positions shown on the map.

The Swedish cavalry brigades should deploy in the areas shown for each brigade, each area is roughly 8 by 6 inches
 on the tables. The regiments of each brigade may sent up in any way the want inside that area.
The Swedish infantry brigades deploy as follows:
The two brigades made up of the Kings own regiment (Bielke and Olsson) set up in the areas shown, each area is
12 by 6 inches on the table.
Färlas brigade of infantry  set up in the areas shown, the area is 8 by 4 inches. The regiments
 of each brigade may sent up in any way the want inside that area.

Victory conditions
The Swedes win if they reduce the Danish confidence below "Hopeless". If they do so while in controll of or blocking the
ford across the Högvadså the Swedes win a decisive victory which might very well decide the war. The Danish army present
 at Axtorna is the entire Danish field army in existence in 1565 and the ford is it's only way of reaching the safety inside
Danish territory. Controll of the ford alone does not allow the Swedes to claim victory. 
The Danes win if their confidence level has not been reduced below  "Hopeless" by nightfall and they are in controll of the
ford across the Högvadså.

Optional rules
1: Streckfuss takes command!
Frands Brockenhuss was in command fo the Danish infantry made up of Rantzau's combined regiment of
Landsknechts and native Danes aswell as Von Holle's regiment of Landskenchts.  There is some evidence that
Holle's regiment commanded by it Locotenent (lieutenant-colonel) Lazarus Streckfuss acted in a way that justifies
it's deployment as a separate 5th Danish brigade commanded by Streckfuss.
2: The Guns of the Byaberg
The Swedish skirmishers which held the Byaberg had with them a small battery of small calibre swivel guns with
which they were happily taking pot shots at the Danes. In order to simulate these guns use these rules:
Range: 9 inches
Roll 1 D6, on 6 the target suffers 1D, if the targe tis with in the Enfants perdue's close range a hit is scored on a 5-6.
These guns are light enough to be dragged forward by hand but cumbersom enough to reduce the Enfants perdue  to
max movement  of 1/2 march move. The swvel guns and their crews are considered a part of the Enfants perdue
detachment for all purposes and are permanently lost if the detachment suffers a Retire, Rout, Give Ground
 or Breal&Rout result on a waver test or in combat. If lost the Swedish army suffers a Cause for Alarm with a
 +1modifier  on the die roll, if the Swedes suffer more than one CfA that turn the loss of the swivel guns only
modify the Swedish die roll by a -1not the  -2 a previous CfA would add to the die roll.
3: It can't rain all the time, can it?
Accordign to some but not all accounts of the battle of Axtorna several rain showers happend during the battle.
Roll a D6 at the start of each turn, on a 6  it rains enough to impact the use of firearms. All shooting, both
artillery and small arms suffer a -1 modifier for that turn. 
4: Erik XIV at Axtorna! (Recomended)
King Erik XIV had yet to suffer his first large mental breakdown, use the following table instead of the one provided
 in the army briefing if using the Erik XIV table rule:
Fearfull of both the uppcoming battle and a rumored conspiracy in Stockholm King Erik withdraws from
the army. He takes the pay chest with him and reinforces his Royal Guard escort with an additional 12-16 figures
(roll a D6 1-3 12 figures, 4-6 16 figures) from the King's Own regiment and replace the Svarta Ryttarna regiment with a
6 figure Landsryttare regiment The army is not paid and starts the battle with a confidence of "Equipoised

King Erik reviews the army, makes an inspiring speach and pays the soldiers who swear to do their utmost. After this
 he withdraws with parts of Royal Guard to his headquarter which is located in a safe place some distance from the battle
 to await the messeanger bringing him word of the armys glorious victory. The army is paid and content and the
commanders confident as they deploy for battle. No changes to the Swedish order of battle and the Army's confidence
 is "Resolute"(Historical result)

King Erik decides to lead the army in person. Replace Hestesko with Erik XIV as Genralissimo of the Swedish army,
Replace one random Swedish leader with Hestesko. The army is paid in full and swears an oath to do its utmost
and it's inital confidence is "Resolute" The Royal Guards prepare to do battle alongside their King, add
12-16 figures (roll a D6, 1-3: 12 figures, 4-6: 16 figures) to one "Kings Own Regiment" unit and
one 16 figure "Blanka ryttarna" regiment to the Swedish order of battle.

5: Treacherous Reiters! (Recommended)
Several of the Reiter units in Swedish service proved higly unreliable in 1565, Drachstedts cornet actualy left the battlefield at
Axtorna without firigna shot or striking a blow and several cornets deserted to the Danes during the winter. The first time
 a Swedish Reiter regiment rolls a -1 or H result on a To Charge or Charged by Cavalry waver test the reult is instead a TR "Treacherous Reiters"
response which is identical to a Ln result in the ordianry rules. Once one Swedish Reiter unit has suffred a TR result the other will prove to be
 loyal and will treat it's waver test reuslts as in the ordinary rules.

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